Le Méridien Maldives Resort & Spa
Hilton Maldives Amingiri Resort & Spa
Sirru Fen Fushi Private Lagoon Resort
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Absolutely. Once you have booked your stay in any of the resort partners in which we are operating in, please simply contact us. You can register yourself completely free of charge via the SSI website and affiliate to our dive center on the island. The moment this is done we can activate already the according course material for you. You have access to the material in any possible language for a lifetime. There won’t be any charges at this point. Only once your course is completed successfully the final course charge will apply as displayed in our price lists. To register with SSI and to affiliate to our centers, simply choose you the link of the according island below
The answer is clearly a resort and the reason is very simple. In Maldives everything depends on the current. Currents are more or less predictable for the next day. Dive centers based in resorts have the opportunity to plan their dive sites regarding the current conditions. Liveaboards do have the disadvantage that they need to decide on the route on the day they start their trip. That means depending on the trip length a liveaboard would need to predict the current for five to 10 days which is simply impossible.
You hear a lot about certain dive sites like Kandooma Thila or Miyaru Kandu which are famous for its incredible shark encounters. Fact is that you can have the same encounters in any type of dive site with a similar structure and the right current. The reason why some of those dive sites became so famous is because of the high traffic of divers and consequently the amount of published pictures from there. And actually the high traffic under water is exactly what divers do not look for when they dive in the Maldives. There is actually no need to visit famous places which are crowded by other divers and dive boats.
On top of that Liveaboards accommodate usually 30 to 40 divers which will be throughout on the same dives with you. That does not only have an impact on your pristine dive experience, it also scares marine life like Manta Rays or Sharks away…
Yes – all our centers provide EANx 34 free of charge for all certified Nitrox divers.
First, please rest assured that most PADI certifications are recognized in the Maldives as well. As long as a certification states an ISO level on the certification card, it fulfills all necessary legal requirements to participate in Scuba Diving. Those ISO level certifications are equivalent to each other and further training can be continued from there.
SSI also offers the free of charge option to integrate your PADI (or any other scuba training agencies) certification into the MySSI system. You will be then no longer required to carry your old scuba diving certification cards with you anymore. You will have all your relevant diving information in one handy state of the art app. Logged dives from your old logbook can be also carried over and verified. Our friendly team members at our dive center counters are most happy to assist you with that.
For an overview of the specific Scuba Diving ISO levels and their equivalence please find the below the Scuba Diving Equivalency Chart.
The fact that not all Scuba Diving Centers offer SSI Scuba Diving Training, mainly results from the higher quality standard requirements in place with SSI.
While other Scuba Diving Training agencies i.e. PADI allow their Scuba Diving Instructors to teach individually (without affiliation), SSI requires an additional layer of quality control. Besides the external quality control of SSI itself, each SSI approved Dive Center has also a highly qualified Dive Center Monitor assigned. The Dive Center Monitor constantly monitors the training quality of the affiliated SSI diving instructors and the overall safety standards of the Dive Center. Considering that SSI’s Scuba Diving Instructors are already the highest trained Diving Instructors in the Diving Industry, the level of safety and quality at SSI Diving Centers is a level of its own!
34% O2! It won’t restrict you anymore than the Maldivian diving regulations in the depths limit and gives you the longest possible bottom time.
10 years
If parasailing is conducted in the correct way, it definitely is – in the Maldives or anywhere else!
The points to watch out for is the parasailing boat and the condition of the parasailing equipment used. If a parasailing boat is equipped with a start and landing platform on its back and has a winch which releases and rolls in the rope connected to the parachute, it is generally a suitable parasailing boat. ATTENTION PLEASE: You should never ever use a boat for parasailing without those specifications!
If the ropes and parachutes are maintained well and the parasailing activity is conducted during good weather conditions from experienced parasailing staff following all safety considerations, it is one of the safest watersports activities of all!
Especially at high end resorts you can assume that the resort brands make sure that all kind of safety standards are followed and that you are on the safe side…
Most probably not. It is common practice that the dive center at any resort in the Maldives has an exclusive contract with the Resort. This is for several good reasons.
Each Resort aims to provide the best possible quality of experience for their guest. Opening their bookings up for external visitors would result in higher traffic and fluctuation. Higher and unpredictable traffic would ultimately impact the service quality. The overall island feeling would be gone as well. A lower in-and-out traffic at the Resort also keeps the safety on at a Resort in place. i.e. violent crimes or theft in Maldivian Resorts are almost not existing.
Legal matters play a role as well. The Resort audits their dive center on the Island. The Resort verifies that the Dive Centers complies with local laws and operates in safe way. It also ensures that the Dive Center operator holds a proper insurance.
Last but not least, the Resort also ensures that the service quality of the Dive Center is in line with the rest of the Resort’s quality standards. Everything is done with the intention to provide a worry free holiday to all guest.
Our resident Marine Biologist sees the source of Lhaviyani Atoll’s outstandingly high biodiversity in its seagrass fields. The fact that the Kuredu House Reef and the Le Meridien House Reef are the two House Reefs with the highest Biodiversity in the Maldives, supports this reasoning.
Imagine each single seagrass leaf as velcro patch standing in the wind. This would be the best perspective to start from. The never ending water flow of the Atoll “blows” tiny marine life like fish eggs, plankton and other organisms through the water. Once such marine life finds shelter or grip it will stay around a certain place. The seagrass leaf provides such a grip. Due to the dense growth of seagrass it also offers the required shelter. That makes seagrass fields the ideal Kindergarten in the Ocean. Seagrass fields literally are the source of marine life.
At Le Meridien Maldives we protect this source. Educating guest but also the local population of the about the importance of seagrass is crucial in this process. Rather than only conducting one time visits at local schools, we also integrate our “seagrass ambassadors” in the local communities. Our watersports team leader Nuttey is the best example. Over the years we have trained Nuttey as a SSI Scuba Diving Instructor. He also has received several lessons about seagrass from our resident Marine Biologists. We believe that bringing his daily marine life encounters everyday to his home island Olhuvelifushi has an impact. It starts with haring his daily experiences with his family. Having his Kids passing on Daddies experiences at School, reaches people in a unique way.
We strive to continue with our integrated CSR approach and to continue improving the awareness of seagrass in the Oceans. We also hope to make your holidays more meaningful with our focus supporting local communities when ever and where ever we can.
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